-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund
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Rudolf Schwarzkogler
Vienna, Austria 1940 - 1969

Rudolf Schwarzkogler was a Viennese artist closely associated with the Viennese Aktionismus (Gunter Brus, Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch et al.). The group met in the mid-sixties to discuss their ideas and theories. These artists became well-known for their use of the body as a sculptural medium, especially for their attention to taboo, sado-masochism, hedonism, pain and death.

Public collections: Centre Pompidou - Musée National dŽArt Moderne, Paris, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Salzburg, Museion - Museo dŽarte moderna e contemporanea, Bozen and others.

Italian site with excellent pictures: www.lattuadastudio.it

"2 Aktion Vienna 1965"

"2 Aktion Vienna 1965"

"3 Aktion Vienna 1965"

"3 Aktion Vienna 1965"

-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund
-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund Per Ölund  / Biografi -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund