-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund index index English pages

"Lätt illamående, dödstrött och samtidigt behagligt berörd "
/Louise Drangel

"Sammansatt och besatt både som människa och konstnär"
/Hans Viksten

"Äkta naiv innerlighet" /Cecilia Stam

"Per Ölunds ironi er noget mere barskt og mere provokerende"
/Kurt Overas

"Groteska bilder som skildrar kättja "
/Olle Bergqvist

"Han talar om det inre vardagsrummet, där vi kanske döljer ett sammelsurium av motsägelser. Det ostädade vardagsrum vi inte bjuder några gäster till." /Margareta Nilsson

"En utställning som definitivt handlar mer om livet och sammanhangen och de rådande villkoren än om konst." /Mats Arvidsson

"Per Ölund: vild och dynamisk, absurd eller rent av - i en konstruktiv mening - 'galen'." /Torbjörn Lundquist

"Genomgående attraherande i sin allvarliga strävan och sin hemlighetsfulla rikedom." /Kristina Karlstam

"Lekfullheten landar i en mycket dekorativ balans och exakthet, som verkar framsprungen ur själva livets inneboende ordning snarare än ur konstnärens intellektuella beräkningar." /Lisen Hessner

"Ölund arbetar i den surrealistiska, psykologiserande traditionen där inte minst sexualiteten och familjen skärskådas. Det är en serie mycket effektiva bilder." /Peder Alton

"Närgångna förstoringar av vibrerande nervbanor och pulserande blodådror. Men det som rinner i venerna är inte långre blod, utan något som mer liknar kringirrande spermier." /Peder Alton

"Per Ölund är sannerligen annorlunda, utan att för den skull vara konstig. Bakom allt han företar sig finns något djupt personligt, något fullständigt naturligt och ändå originellt." /Kristina Forsberg

"Man lyfter på hatten för det avspända och imponerande slutresultatet." /Lars-Erik Selin

"Det går en starkt sensuell och erotisk ådra genom hans skapande, lika plågsamt absurd som vällustig." /Stig Johansson

"Hans teckningar rymmer mycket av lidelse och oro." / Stig Johansson.

-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund
-'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund Per Ölund  / Biografi -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund -'Where the Hippo meets his fate without decreasing' by Per Ölund