Antone Pavlov
UK, fetish photographer and western geisha Molly collaborate to concoct remarkable dysmorphic sexual fictions.
Pavlov is an admirer of 19th and early 20th century erotic photographers mostly anonymous who produced pornographic images for 'connoisseurs' and 'the collector'. "Their cameras were big and slow to work with, I like that. It allows time to look properly. Models hate it of course because of the discomfort of a prolonged pose."
Pavlov's cites Hans Bellmer and Pierre Molinier as his major influences. " They were both extraordinary artists and human beings. They were also exceptional perverts! Both nurturing their respective fetishes they didn't give a dam about much else. Fantastic!"
These works are produced for the fine art market, exhibition, museums and the individual collector. If you would like to own a fine art limited edition print, they are available for purchase direct from their website.
"Antone Pavlov and Molly in action"
"Molly, plate 4"
"Molly plate 7 "
"Molly plate 9 "